"The Foreign Minister and the Finance Minister are both actively engaged in taking advantage of photo opportunities in Washington."
"It's a beautiful city - the museums and the architecture - I simply love it."
"They haven't taken photographs next to buildings for Pete's sake...well, let me correct that! They may have for their personal albums but not for our album."
"Our album defined as pictures/stills published in newspapers - and needless to add, it is our tax money that is paying for their stay there. As far as I am concerned they can place these stills in their personal albums as well..."
"How can you say that! Hina Khar and spouse got a picture taken with Obama and his wife and..."
"I have it on good authority that this photo-op was available to all dignitaries attending the UN General Assembly session and it did not mean the US President exchanged any words with Khar other than to introduce herself and her husband..."
"Well, thank the good Lord for that! Otherwise I had it on good authority that Prime Minister Gilani, who had been informed that there would be no meeting with Obama or any other world leader, which led to his cancellation of the tour, was considering firing her."
"He has asked her to return immediately."
"But there is another report which maintains that the Prime Minister has requested her to deliver a fiery speech at the UN and then return."
"Once a speech is delivered, is there any need to stay on?"
"Maybe the Foreign Minister wanted to take some time off and..."
"So her leave is cancelled?"
"I am not sure about that but she went to University in the US and so may have friends there and..."
"OK and at the same time you have Dr Hafeez Sheikh getting pictures for his personal album - one with the Chinese Finance Minister, another with the President of a multilateral and another..."
"No money coming in is what you are implying!"
"Money will come in only if he can meet conditions and lets be honest Sheikh doesn't have the political clout to do anything!"
"Ah yes. So much nicer for Gilani's rather large cabinet engaged in some money making ventures."
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